
The Groom Says: Putting Your Muse(s) to Work

Holy Batman! Vow Muse is delighted to be featured on The Groom Says this morning. We met Brian via Twitter (gotta love that little bird) and he asked us if we'd like to be featured on his blog. Um, does French toast love maple syrup? He wanted to test our skills, and sent a set of speech scenarios that would require some grace under fire our way. Want to read more about dilapidated mailboxes, snake bites, fire, and how it all relates to wedding toasts? Check out Brian's blog, and while you're there, learn how the Muses have helped him recover from the toast that should have been put back in the toaster, and his not too cinnamon sweet write-up of Vow Muse's talents:
The Groom Says: Putting Your Muse(s) to Work
: "In the fall of 2002, I gave a rather horrific Best Man toast at my older brother's wedding in Miami Beach. I perhaps remember it as a much b..."

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